Black Pink becomes the target of Chinese netizens for their shoutout to Macanese Blinks

Article: Black Pink has become a target to Chinese netizens because of one word... what is happening?

Source: JTBC via Naver

[+535, -5] They're nitpicking

[+466, -5] It's like if Koreans were to get mad because a singer performed in Incheon and were like "Thank you for coming, people from Incheon." I don't understand why China would get mad just because they thanked their Macanese fans. 

[+393, -3] It's easy to see just how ridiculous China's being if you imagine a foreign star coming to perform in our country and our government getting involved because they used a term that we don't agree with. It's shameful.

[+288, -5] A country with an inferiority complex

[+23, -1] So it's like... they're getting mad over a singer performing in Jeju and thanking their fans for coming by saying "Thank you to our people of Jeju" instead of "our people of Korea~"?... because I seriously don't understand why they're mad...

[+17, -0] Black Pink's popular enough without having to go to China anyway. Just ignore them~

[+10, -0] They're the ones always illegally downloading our content and yet they've got so much hate to spew about it...

[+7, -1] Don't bother apologizing to them

[+3, -0] Ignore everything no matter what they do. Don't bother responding. 

[+3, -0] It's unreal how petty they can get... tsk tsk tsk

[+3, -0] Just ignore them. The ignorance is not worth responding to. You should only respond when they get on your level... tsk tsk.

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