Netflix releases trailer for live-action 'One Piece'
Article: Mixed reactions to Netflix's 'One Piece' live-action teaser
Source: Insight via Instagram
[+380] What reactions are there to be mixed about when it's so clear what the one reaction should be
[+252] I always feel like regular cosplayers do a better job than these live-action movies
[+136] Please stop... ㅠㅠ
[+79] This is the first time I felt disappointed in Netflix
[+51] Has there ever been a live-action of an anime that has succeeded? Other than 'Death Note'?
[+44] One Piece?????????????
[+14] This should never have been messed with...!! 😭
[+10] The next Dragon Ball Evolution...?!
[+8] Nooo
[+-] I don't care what the author imagined Luffy to be, Luffy is always going to be a black-haired Asian boy to me...
[+-] What happened to Luffy
[+1] I think they can just scrap the movie release, the teaser's enough...
[+-] Buggy's alright, but the other characters...
[+1] This feels like a homemade video by weaboos... the quality is C-tier at best
[+1] Yeah, this is a flop ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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